Friday, 13 May 2016

Office 2007,2010,2013 Uninstallation & Office ProPlus Installation using Single Script

We will split this process in two parts for explanation and then we are going to combine these two into one.

1. Uninstalling Old version of Office (2007, 2010, 2013, 2016)

Click on the link below to download the scripts for uninstalling office.

Place these Un-Installation Script on a Network Share

Now to test these Un-Installation script

  1. Mount the path of the script on the cmd prompt(Admin Priviledge)
  2. pushd <Network_Path>
  3. Ex. pushd \\network_share\uninstall_script\
  4. Command for running the Script- cscript .\OffScrub_O2013uninstallmsi.vbs All /Q /NoCancel

Mounting the local network share path

Running the script

As the script runs this process starts in the task manager(marked in yellow)

Along with the above process this process also starts

This will take sometime to uninstall
After you finish the steps the old Office version should be uninstalled. :)

2. Install Office ProPlus on the machine now

For installing Office ProPlus we will use Office Deployment Tool.

Download and unzip the Office Deployment Tool. 
You will see two files 
      1. setup.exe 
      2. configuration.xml
Configuration file is the xml file in which you can edit the configuration of the Office you want to download and install i.e. 32 or 64 bit, language, add or remove individual products etc.
For editing this configuration file go to this site, edit and your download your customized xml file.
This xml file will be used to download the Office ProPlus package using the Office Deployment Tool.
Keep both these setup and configuration files in same folder.

Setups for downloading the package using Office Deployment Tool.
  1. Open cmd(Admin privileges)
  2. Navigate to the path where the files are kept.
  3. Use the command setup.exe /download configuration.xml
  4. The package will start downloading & and a folder will be created by the name Office in the same path where the setup and configuration files are kept.
Now we have Office ProPlus package.
For pushing this package to the clients we need to save all the files(i.e. setup.exe, configuration.xml, and Office folder) in a network location.
Once we save this on a network location we need to change something in the configuration.xml file.
Open configuration xml file and add SourcePath in the Add tag as shown below(blue part).

You have to add this location in your configuration file

Edit the configuration file with the network address where you have stored the office files.

<Add OfficeClientEdition="32" Channel="Current" SourcePath="\\Network_Share\Office_Deployment\" OfficeMgmtCOM="TRUE"> 

In the blue part give the path where "Office" package folder is located on the Network Share.
Once all this is set you are ready to push Office ProPlus remotely.

To install Office ProPlus on a remote computer which has access to network share you need to run this command on that computer.(Admin Priviledges)

\\<Network_Path>\setup.exe /configure "<Network_Path>\configuration.xml"

Ex. \\Network_Share\Office_Deployment\setup.exe /configure "\\Network_Share\Office_Deployment\configuration.xml" 

You can also save this command as batch file by copy and paste it on notepad and save as .bat file.

Now to install Office ProPlus navigate to this path in any PC(which has access to Network Share) and run this bat file with admin priviledges.

Office Installation started.

3.Combining the last two steps

Now if we combine the last two steps into one we can create one batch file which will contain the script to uninstall the old office and then install the new one.
The script will look like:

pushd \\Network_Share\uninstall_script\
cscript .\OffScrub_O2013uninstallmsi.vbs All /Q /NoCancel
\\Network_Share\Office_Deployment\setup.exe /configure "\\Network_Share\Office_Deployment\configuration.xml"

Copy this and save it as a bat file and run it.

Now if we want to push this script remotely we can use Active Directory Group Policy to do that.
Or we can even use a free tool called PDQ Deploy which runs on top of Active Directory to push applications and script on remote computers.

If you face any problem feel free to comment below.

1 comment:

  1. Nbroadcast: Office 2007,2010,2013 Uninstallation And Office Proplus Installation Using Single Script >>>>> Download Now

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